Welcome to the Git Workshop! This workshop is designed to introduce you to Git, a distributed version control system that helps manage and track changes in your code.

Introduction to Git

Git is a distributed version control system created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. It allows multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously, track changes, and collaborate effectively. Git is widely used in the software development industry and is a fundamental tool for version control.



Download the Git installer from the official Git website and follow the installation instructions.


Install Git using Homebrew:

brew install git


Install Git using the package manager:

sudo apt-get install git        # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo yum install git            # Fedora

Getting Started with Git

Initializing a Repository

To create a new Git repository:

git init

Cloning a Repository

To clone an existing repository:

git clone <repository-url>

Basic Git Commands

Checking Status

To check the status of your working directory and staging area:

git status

Adding Files

To add files to the staging area:

git add <file-name>

To add all files:

git add .

Committing Changes

To commit changes with a message:

git commit -m "Your commit message"

Pushing Changes

To push changes to the remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name>

Pulling Changes

To pull changes from the remote repository:

git pull origin <branch-name>

Branching and Merging

Creating a Branch

To create a new branch:

git branch <branch-name>

Switching Branches

To switch to a different branch:

git checkout <branch-name>

Merging Branches

To merge a branch into the current branch:

git merge <branch-name>

Working with Remote Repositories

Adding a Remote

To add a remote repository:

git remote add origin <remote-url>

Fetching and Pulling

To fetch changes from the remote repository:

git fetch origin

To pull changes from the remote repository:

git pull origin <branch-name>

Pushing to Remote

To push changes to the remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name>

Advanced Git Commands

Stashing Changes

To stash changes:

git stash

To apply stashed changes:

git stash apply


To rebase your current branch onto another branch:

git rebase <branch-name>

To pick up, squash, or reset your commits :

git rebase HEAD~<No of Commits> -i
## force push
git push --force

Best Practices

  • Commit often with meaningful messages.
  • Use branches for new features or bug fixes.
  • Keep your branch history clean by rebasing and squashing commits.
  • Regularly push your changes to remote repositories.
  • Review code and collaborate using pull requests.



Feel free to ask any questions during the workshop. Happy coding!

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